Monday, September 19, 2011

I'm back!

After a couple months of silence I am back with a vengeance... My mom kept telling me to blog it will help your writing, blog its good for the soul, blog because I live vicariously through you. Well it wasn't until this past weekend that I really was convinced. You see, there is another blogger out there one I admire and have mentioned in past posts, Kate Nierengraten. She is the big sister of my best friend who is getting married in November. I was recently up in Chicago for the big bachelorette party when on the hangover Sunday Funday morning Kate made a small nod to my blogging. As small as her comment might have been it lit a fire under me and I decided to stop being lazy and start getting awesome.

Some of you may know my New Years resolution was to be more awesome. (Quick shout out to Barney from How I Met Your Mother) And so far I have succeed. I moved to California, got a job, got an apartment, had a wonderful relationship, learned about myself, grew professional, matured from a college girl to a young lady... I have also taken life tolls, been beat up a bit by 'the man' (not a person but big corp). I fell down but got up again. It hurt like hell but I'm still here.

My nan always told me to count my blessings and never take life for granted. Even when I was down, I am surprised and proud to say I did not fall apart.

Now, I'm back on my feet. I moved home to be closer to my family. I realized that fame and fortune were not what matters most to me. I love my family and friends and missing cornerstone in their lives made me feel like a terrible person. How could I preach my values when I did not abide by them?! So I took one hell of a road trip home with my sister, Gretchen! It was a blast and I would not want to do it with anyone but her! Talk about sister bonding time and what a fun story to tell later in life. I can already imagine us as old women talking about that one time on that crazy roadtrip.

I started a job, well actually it is an old job. I was an intern for an IndyCar racing team in 2009, helped with the Indy500 in 2010. I loved the people I worked with, treasured our friendships, kept in touch, followed my mentors' advice, low and behold here I am again! I could not be happier! And I cannot wait to share with you all about the crazy fun weekends at the race tracks.

So I guess this post is a toast in a way... Here is to new beginnings. More blogging. Old friends. New friends. New experiences and life in general! Here here!!

- Last couple days in L.A.

These next couple photos are of my sister and I roadtripping it from Orange County, California to Indianapolis, Indiana. We took 1-70 through the mountains. Started the trip by a stop in Vegas - Gretchen's first time! Then went through the desert to the Rocky Mountains. Stopped in Vail for lunch (the usual haha) and then caught a concert at the Red Rocks in Denver, Colorado. On the last couple days of the drive we saw her friend from camp in Kansas City and went for a ferryboat ride on the Mississippi River in St. Louis, MO. What a trip - amazing memories!